About Us

At Adventure Bloom Co., our journey began at the crossroads of life's unexpected twists and turns. Founder Sheena Myers, a seasoned professional in the world of eCommerce and marketing, navigated the hustle and bustle of corporate life for years. Success was a constant companion, and the path seemed clear until life took an unexpected turn.


In the peak of Sheena's career, fate unveiled its plans through an unexpected diagnosis of Dysautonomia. This sudden shift brought with it a profound realization – that sometimes life's greatest adventures are those that challenge us to redefine our purpose. 


Amidst the trials and triumphs, she rediscovered her greatest loves: family, nature, and adventure. A devoted wife and mother of two beautiful daughters, she found solace and inspiration in the bonds of family and the wonders of nature. Embracing the healing power of nature's embrace, the seed of Adventure Bloom Co. was planted.


Adventure Bloom Co. isn't just a brand; it's a testament to resilience, the journey of self-discovery, and the magical intersection of past and present. Drawing from her extensive background in eCommerce and marketing, Sheena channeled her passion for adventure into creating a brand that embodies the spirit of exploration and reconnection with what truly matters.


Adventure Bloom Co. is a reflection of personal journey, adventure and love. Every item, every design, and every concept speaks to the essence of embracing life's adventures, no matter where they lead.


At Adventure Bloom Co., we invite you to join us in celebrating the beauty of the uncharted, the magnificence of nature, and the boundless spirit of adventure. We are not just a brand; we are a community of kindred souls who seek the magic in every journey, knowing that the true bloom of adventure lies within the heart.


Welcome to Adventure Bloom Co. – where the past and the present intertwine to create a future brimming with discovery, purpose, and the thrill of life's grandest adventures. XO Sheena ❤️


Adventure into the unknown with me!

As a devoted wife and mother, Sheena knows that life's greatest adventures come in all shapes and sizes. From embarking on epic journeys to exploring the nooks of everyday life, she finds exhilaration in the diversity of experiences. Through Adventure Bloom Co., she pours this deep-seated appreciation into each product, curating a collection that resonates with kindred spirits who seek magic in every step they take. With an unwavering commitment to capturing the essence of adventure, Sheena invites fellow explorers to embark on a journey that celebrates the beauty of both grand escapades and the tiniest moments that create lasting memories.